Student Online Certificate Verification

Headlines 2025-05-31 | : MCA | : Ch Suresh, Assistant Professor, Department of Master of Computer Applications have attended FDP on "Gen AI & Chat GPT Application in the Industry"    2025-03-11 | : B.Tech - CSE | : IET On Campus Excellence Award-Bangalore, a team from the CSE branch of Swarnandhra College, consisting of Vivek (22A21A05O7), Bhargavi (22A21A05P8), and Sai (22A21A05L4), secured 1st place as "Transit Techies." On March 8th, 2025. They presented an innovative solution on reducing traffic congestion using Big Data and Machine Learning, winning the Trophy, Certificates, and an Internship at Arcadis Pvt. Ltd.    2025-03-11 | : B.Tech - CSE | : IET Excellence Award-Bangalore, a team from the CSE branch of Swarnandhra College, consisting of Vivek (22A21A05O7), Bhargavi (22A21A05P8), and Sai (22A21A05L4), secured 1st place as "Transit Techies." On March 8th, 2025. They presented an innovative solution on reducing traffic congestion using Big Data and Machine Learning, winning the Trophy, Certificates, and an Internship at Arcadis Pvt. Ltd.    2025-03-11 | : B.Tech - CSE | : M SATYANARAYANA RECEIVED AWS EDUCATOR EXCELLENCE AWARD IN NOVEMBER 2023 HELD at GOA    2025-03-10 | : B.Tech - CSE | : M.satyanarayana, Associate professor of CSE Department received best coordinator Award from Eduskils    2025-03-07 | : Academics Office | : Congratulations to Dr. D. Nageswara Rao garu for being awarded the PhD from KL University.    2025-03-07 | : Academics Office | : Heartiest Congratulations to Dr. M. Vijaya Raju garu of CSE Department for being awarded PhD from JNTU Kakinada.    2025-03-05 | : Placements Department | : COGNIZANT On-Campus Drive for 2025 Pass-Out Batch on 13th March, 2025    2025-03-01 | : Placements Department | : Congratulations to the 18 students selected by Infosys with a package of 3.6 LPA!    2025-03-01 | : B.Tech - Civil | : One day Field Visit to "NARSAPURAM RAILWAY STATION"    2025-02-28 | : B.Tech - EEE | : Dept. of EEE organized a industrial visit for the students of VI Sem in order to get the practical knowledge about multi-purpose benefits including hydro power generation, irrigation, flood control and drinking water supply to various regions in Andhra Pradesh. Visit Place: "Polavaram Hydro Power Plant".    2025-02-28 | : B.Tech - EEE | : Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized "Idea to Prototype" on the eve of National Science day.    2025-02-28 | : B.Tech - ECE | : సీతారామపురం స్వర్ణాంధ్ర ఇంజనీరింగ్ కళాశాలలో కోర్ గ్రూపు లపై అవగాహన సదస్సు    2025-02-28 | : B.Tech - ECE | : సీతారామపురం స్వర్ణాంధ్ర ఇంజనీరింగ్ కళాశాలలో కోర్ గ్రూపు లపై అవగాహన సదస్సు || PSR NEWS    2025-02-28 | : Idea Lab | : Turning Innovative Ideas into Functional Prototypes    2025-02-27 | : Academics Office | : The Awareness Seminar on Engineering Core Groups was graced by Sri Challa Vivekananda, the Head of the Engineering Department at Tech Mahindra.    2025-02-27 | : B.Tech - ECE | : Awareness Program on Engineering Core Branches    2025-02-24 | : B.Tech - Mech | : PARTISPATING GOKART CHAMPIONSHIP @ AITAM, TEKKALI    2025-02-24 | : B.Tech - ECE | : Poster Presentation Competition on "EMERGING TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY"    2025-02-23 | : B.Tech - ECE | : స్వర్ణాంద్రా ఇంజనీరింగ్ కళాశాలలో అవగాహనా సదస్సు నరసాపురం మండలం, సీతారామపురంలో గల స్వర్ణాంద్రా ఇంజనీరింగ్ కళాశాలలో విధ్యార్డులకు ఆర్టిఫిషియల్ టెక్నాలజీ మీద అవగాహన సదస్సు నిర్వహించినారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమానికి ముఖ్య అతిధిగా జర్మణి సంస్థ క్రేవావి టెక్నాలజీ వ్యవస్థాపకులు డా.సచిన్ శివావి విచ్చేసినారు. ఈయన విద్యార్ధులకు కావలసిన అడ్వాన్స్ డ్ టెక్నాలజీ అయిన ఆర్టిఫిషియల్ ఇంటలిజెన్స్, అడ్వాన్స్ డ్ మొబైల్ టెక్నాలజీ ల గురించి వివరించినారు మరియు ప్రస్తుత పోటీ ప్రపంచములో ఉద్యోగ అవకాశములు పొందుటకు కావలసిన నైపుణ్యము మరియు ఆధునిక టెక్నాలజీ గురించి వివరించినారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమమునకు ఇసిఇ విభాగ అధిపతి డా.బి.ఎస్.రావు, ఆద్యాపకులు రవి కుమార్, జి.క్రిస్టిన, జె.ఇ.ఎన్.అభిలాష్ నిర్వహించినారు. ఈ కార్యక్రమములో కళాశాల ఛైర్మన్ కె.వి.సత్యనారాయణ, ట్రెజరర్ కె.వి.స్వామి, డైరెక్టర్స్ అడ్డాల శ్రీహరి, పాలకవర్గ సభ్యులు పులపర్తి వెంకటేశ్వరరావు, ప్రిన్సిపల్ డా.ఎస్.సురేష్ కుమార్, వైస్ ప్రిన్సిపల్ డా.ఏ.గోపి చంద్, ఏఐఎమ్ ఎల్ విభాగ అధిపతి బొమ్మ రామకృష్ణ మరియు వివిధ విభాగముల ఆద్యాపకులు, విద్యార్ధినీ విద్యార్ధులు పాల్గొన్నారు    
Mechanical Department - Conference Papers

Faculty - CONFERENCE DETAILS  A.Y.2019-20

Sl. No.

Name of the faculty

Title of the paper Presented/Participated

Name of the Conference




Dr.R. Sanjeev Kumar

Design optimization of Airless Tyre-Numerical approach

International Conference on Research and advances  in Mechanical Engineering

ICLIET -2018

10th & 11th December 2020

Vignan institute of Technology & science,



Dr. A.Gopichand

Mr.P.S.N. Raju

Mr.Ch Harish Kumar

Design and Optimization of sandwich pipe for Deep  water applications

International Conference on Recent trends on Engineering Technologies


25th July 2020

V.S.M College of Engineering,



Dr.Lalitha Narayana

Experimental investigation of friction welding on similar Al plate and tube

International Conference on Recent trends on Engineering Technologies


25th July 2020

V.S.M College of Engineering,



Dr.Lalitha Narayana

Mr.B. Srinivas

Mr.John Bunyan

Mr.Bulli Raju

Effect of pin height on performance of passive solar still in Indian coastal Conditions

International Conference on Recent trends on Engineering Technologies


25th July 2020

V.S.M College of Engineering,



Dr.G. Robert Singh

Characteristic study on ZT33/SiCp Composite reinforced Mg-3Zn 3SnO.7Mn Alloy

International Conference on Technology Convergence  in Engineering, energy and Sustainability


11th  & 12th July 2019

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College

Faculty - CONFERENCE DETAILS  A.Y.2018-19


Sl. No.

Name of the faculty

Title of the paper Presented/Participated

Name of the Conference




Dr. A.Gopichand Mr.K.Balaji


ANN Modelling and Analysis of Friction Welded AA6061 Aluminum Alloy

9th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization, ICMPC-2019

8th to 10th

March 2019

Gokarju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad


Mr.R. SamSukumar


International Conference on Transformation  in Engineering Education


7th  & 8th January 2019

Malla Reddy Engineering College


Dr. A.Gopichand,


The Industry 4.0 International Conference

17th & 18th December 2018

Confederation of Indian Industry[CII]

Hotel Marasa Sarovar Premiere, Tirupathi


Mr.R. SamSukumar


IEEE Conference on MOOCS, Innovation and Technology in Education

29th  & 30th November 2018

MLR institute of Technology & Management




Hot corrosion behavior and Microstructure studies of dissimilar weldments at different temperatures in presence of Soluble salt

International Conference on Recent Advances in  Materials and Manufacturing Technologies


19th  & 20th November 2018

MLR institute of Technology & Management



Mr.B. Srinivas


RTMECA -2018

2nd & 3rd November 2018

Annamalai University,



Mr.R. SamSukumar

Synthesis & characterization of cerium oxide Nano particles and its applicability as fuel catalyst

International Conference on Latest innovations in Materials Engineering & Technology

ICLIET -2018

15th  & 16th June 2018

Malla Reddy Engineering College